Tangle Weed: Will cause magical tendrils to entangle anyone moving in an area thus reducing their movement. Sphere of Protection: Will cause the caster to be immune to spells up to the fourth level. Puppet Master: Will cause dead characters to become animated, (Like a Zombie). They will not gain any victory points while animated and cannot use spells or missile weapons. Protection from Foe: Will make those affected more difficult to hit in combat by the enemy. Poison: Will poison those that do not DRVs Chemical. Plane of Thorns Damage: 5-10 Range: 10 Target: Wall, Can Rotate Sight: YES Duration: 1 x Power Minor Spell Deflector: Will cause spell effects to be reflected and affect the caster 33% of the time. Major Soul Bind: Same as Soul Bind but with better targeting. Heal Large Wounds: Heals damage. Fearful Thoughts: Those that do not resist will run away during combat. Blind: Will caues those that do not resist to go blind. This will greatly hinder them during combat. Adrenalin: This spell will add a magical substance to the bloodstream. All those affected will move faster and have more actions per round than normal.